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This site is committed to ensuring that its site is accessible to all users. The Accesskeys used by this site are designated as an alternative for people with disabilities. The content of this website divides into three blocks: (1) Top block  (2) Main Content block, and (3) bottom block.

The Accesskeys used by this site are designated as follows:
  • Alt+U:Top block, containing the links to the major sections of this site.
  • Alt+C:Main content block, providing the principal information of the page.
  • Alt+B:bottom block, containing the links to the other sections of this site.

(FIireFox) The Accesskeys used by this site are designated as follows:

  • Shift+Alt+U:Top block, containing the links to the major sections of this site.
  • Shift+Alt+C:Main content block, providing the principal information of the page.
  • Shift+Alt+B:bottom block, containing the links to the other sections of this site.

※ When the project page of this site can not be executed when the mouse click, you can use the following keyboard browse data

  • * ← → or ↑ ↓: left-right or up and down keys to move the tab order.
  • * Home or End →: can directly jump to label the first or the last one.
  • * Tab: to stay in the labeling can be used to browse sum Tab key to jump to the content of information.
  • * Tab + Shift: Press Tab + Shift to jump back on the amount of information; when the jump back to label the item you can continue to use the ← → or ↑ ↓ keys to move the tab order.